IoT Plant Watering System Using ESP8266 & Blynk

With the help of the most recent Blynk 2.0 version and an ESP8266 NodeMCU board, we will build an Internet of Things plant watering system in today’s project. In order to obtain the input and output for this project, we also employed a relay module and a soil sensor.

By using them, we can use the relay to regulate the water pump and obtain the moisture value. A tiny water pump is utilised as an example in today’s session. If necessary, you may connect any other type of water pump, whether AC or DC (only make sure the relay has a higher amperage than the water pump).

Additionally, we may use the Blynk 2.0 platform to monitor and operate our computer or smartphone from anywhere in the world. This is a really beneficial and economical idea for small greenhouses, home gardens, and other areas where work is highly expensive. Let’s now start building the project piece by piece.

We have already talked about two autonomous plant-watering systems in the past. You are welcome to look it over.


Circuit Schematic



ESP8266 NodeMCU
Soil Moisture Sensor
5 Volt Relay Module
16×2 LCD Display
I2C Display Module
DC Water Pump
7mm Silicon Pipe
Connecting Wires
9 Volt Battery
9 Volt Battery Clip

Circuit Connection

The NodeMCU board must first be placed on the breadboard, and the GND and VIN pins must be connected to the board, respectively.

The soil moisture sensor needs to be connected to the NodeMCU board and placed on the breadboard at this point. Use the reference circuit diagram below for that. Next, attach the relay module and 16×2 LCD display to the NodeMCU board.

Setup Blynk Web Dashboard for IoT Plant Watering System

Using your Gmail address, register for a new account on the Blynk website first. After that, go into your account and press the button for the new template. Next, type in the name of your project and select “Done.”

You must now create two data streams after selecting the “Datastreams” option. The details below can be used as a guide.

After selecting the “Web dashboard” tab, the dashboard needs to have one button and one gauge widget.

Now, select the data streams that we previously built and organise these widgets wherever you see fit. Next, save it.

Click the search icon now, then select “New device.” Choose the template you previously generated for that. The Blynk Web Dashboard has now been successfully developed.

NodeMCU Code

The ESP8266 needs to be connected to the computer in order for us to upload the programme to it. These libraries need to be installed before we can build the code.

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