How to Build an Automatic Railway Gate Control Using Arduino

Automatic Railway Gate Control System: In today’s railway systems, we recognise the critical role that public safety plays. It is essential to apply some cutting-edge technologies to ensure the safety of both drivers and passengers due to the increase in train transportation and the number of incidents at railway crossings.

We’ll talk about an automatic railway gate control system that uses an Arduino and an infrared sensor in this Arduino project. By automating the opening and closing of railway gates, this device lowers the possibility of mishaps at railway crossings.

By autonomously operating railway crossing gates, the automatic railway gate control system using Arduino is a technology-based system that guarantees the safe passage of trains. This technology increases efficiency and reduces the risk of train accidents by operating autonomously without human involvement using infrared sensors and an Arduino. Its sophisticated mechanism ensures the safety and efficient operation of railway traffic by doing away with the shortcomings of conventional manual crossing gate systems.

One of the riskiest locations for both people and cars is a railway crossing. Statistics show that crossings account for about 61% of all railway accidents. It is important to be informed of this serious issue.

The straightforward yet efficient answer to this issue is the automatic railway gate control system that makes use of an Arduino and an infrared sensor. To avoid any mishaps, the system automatically closes the gates when it detects an incoming train using infrared sensors and an Arduino microcontroller.

What is an Automatic Railway Gate Control?

Railway crossing gates can be automatically operated by an electrical mechanical system called Automatic Railway Gate Control, which eliminates the need for human interaction. In order to stop oncoming cars and pedestrians from crossing the railway lines, this system uses detecting sensors to identify the incoming train and activates the crossing gate to close or open.

Additionally, it can lessen the possibility of accidents at railway crossings brought on by intoxication. similar to someone misunderstanding the distance and speed of an approaching train or failing to close the gate.

Because the gates may be opened as soon as the train crosses the crossing line, the technology can also reduce the amount of time that people must wait for a train to pass, which can help to relieve traffic congestion.

Principle Behind Automatic Railway Gate Control System

Two sensors in the system recognise the coming of the train and alert the Arduino microcontroller with a signal. After processing the signal, the Arduino board instructs the motor driver to open or close the crossing gate. The gate doesn’t open manually; it stays closed until the train passes.


Automatic Railway Gate Control Using Arduino

Circuit Schematic

Automatic Railway Gate Control Circuit Diagram


  • Arduino Uno
  • IR Sensor Module (x2)
  • 5V Servo Motor
  • Breadboard
  • Connecting Wires
  • 5 Volt Power Supply

Circuit Connection

Attach the IR sensors’ VCC and GND pins to the Arduino board’s 5V and GND pins, respectively.

Attach the IR sensors’ output pin to the Arduino UNO’s digital pins 2 and 3.

Lastly, attach the servo motor’s output pin to the Arduino UNO’s pin nine.

To prevent short circuits or damage to the elements, make sure you connect the components in the order shown in the circuit diagram.

What are the Components of an Automatic Railway Gate Control System?

Depending on the particular design, an automatic railway gate control system’s components may differ, but generally speaking, they consist of the following:

Sensors: These are the gadgets that alert the gate control system when a train approaches.

Control Unit: This is the central processing unit that opens and closes the crossing gate based on signals from the sensors.

Actuators: The mechanical components that move the gate system up or down are known as actuators.

Power Supply: It gives the entire system the necessary electrical power.

Warning Device: An extra warning system, such as flashing lights or alarm sirens, alerts cars and pedestrians to the impending train.

Backup Power Supply: In the event of an electrical malfunction or power outage, this add-on component supplies power to the system.

How Does the Automatic Railway Gate Control System Work?

There are two infrared sensors on either side of the railway track that are used by the railway gate control system. The Arduino board, which serves as the system’s central nervous system, is connected to these sensors.

The IR beams between the two sensors are broken when a train approaches the crossing line, and the Arduino board subsequently receives a signal. The crossing gate motor is triggered by this signal, and it closes the gate to stop any cars or people from crossing the railway track.

The Arduino board sends a signal to the gate motor to open the gate and permit cars and pedestrians to cross the railway track safely once the train has passed and the IR rays between them have re-established.

Advantages of an Automatic Railway Gate Control System

Enhanced safety: Improving train and pedestrian safety is one of the main benefits of autonomous railway gates. These gates are made to automatically close in response to the approaching of a train, lowering the possibility of accidents by stopping cars and persons from crossing the tracks.

Enhanced efficiency: Because automatic railway gates require less human intervention than manual gates, they are far more efficient than the latter. This lowers traffic and boosts the effectiveness of transit overall by enabling trains to move through more swiftly and with less delay.

Lower operating costs: Over time, operational expenses can be considerably decreased by automated railway gates since they require less labour to operate. Furthermore, electronic gates require less upkeep and repair because they are made to endure longer than manual gates.

Improved traffic management: To better regulate traffic flow around the railway crossing, automatic railway gates can be connected with traffic control systems. This could lessen traffic jams and enhance general traffic safety in the neighbourhood.

Increased convenience: It is simpler for cars and pedestrians to cross railway tracks when there are automatic railway gates in place. There is less confusion and doubt about when it is safe to cross because the gates close automatically as a train approaches.

An easy and effective technique to prevent accidents at railway crossings by 99% is to use an Arduino UNO and infrared sensors to create an automatic railway gate control system. By putting the entire system into place, we can lower the frequency of incidents at railway crossings and guarantee the safety of both vehicles and passengers.

We think that railway safety may be increased by utilising cutting-edge technologies. We believe this initiative has given us important new perspectives for this piece.

Arduino Source Code

#include <Servo.h> // servo library   Servo s1;   int val = 0 ;   int va2 = 0 ;   void setup()   {     Serial.begin(9600); // sensor buart rate     pinMode(2,INPUT);  // IR sensor 1      pinMode(3,INPUT);  // IR sensor 2      s1.attach(9);    // Servo Connect 9 pin      s1.write(0);   }   void loop()    {    val = digitalRead(2); // IR sensor 1 output pin connected    va2 = digitalRead(3); // IR sensor 2 output pin connected    Serial.println(val); // see the value in serial mpnitor in Arduino IDE    Serial.println(va2); // see the value in serial mpnitor in Arduino IDE    delay(10);      // Time Delay    if(val == 1 )     {     s1.write(0); // SERVO 0 DEGREE     }    if(va2 == 1 )     {     s1.write(90); // SERVO 90 DEGREE     }    }  
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